Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Looking for guests this summer

We were thinking of trying out a residency program this summer but have not cleaned or renovated the studio spaces yet. However, we have finished the guest room and would love to have visitors this summer.

Call it an visiting artist position if you like. Come relax, have fresh organic produce, sit by the fire at night and sleep in the hammock. It's pretty quiet out here on the farm. We would love the share our experience with anyone who wanted to stop by.

Check out the rough draft of the new residency website and gallery.

Spring Chickens

It was such a lovely spring day that I could not help taking a few new pictures for the blog.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

recent renovations

It's not a porch, it's a nursery for little plant babies.

Planting Potatoes

Highs in the 80's today, if I close my eyes I can almost believe I'm back in Florida.

Planting potatoes this week. As the UPS man pointed out, we are indeed running two weeks late using Good Friday as the standard planting date in Iowa. However, last year we did not plant until May 18th and we still had an outstanding potato crop.

(exhausted from stealing potatoes)