Sunday, July 24, 2011


As a child I often helped our family sell tomatoes at the Iowa City Farmer's market before it was inside the ramp. I was only five years old but seem to remember my aunt growing a field of gladiolas and selling buckets of them at the market as well. Since that time gladiolas have always been my favorite flowers. This spring Bryan planted 50 glad bulbs with some crazy bulb drill bit that attached to his power drill. The results have been stunning. It is wonderful to have a new flower arrangement each week. As the glads die off they are being replace by some late Zinnias and Sunflowers that I planted. We are excited to have cut flowers for the next few months.

Spring Chickens

Now laying pullet eggs our new spring chickens are almost full sized. The Silkies are not really contributing anything other then their sheer uniqueness to the farm.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Little baby silkies

It is beginning to feel a lot more like spring these days. I spent the afternoon trying to identify a pen full of mixed bantams. My best guess is that these to little "ladies" are Silkies. They are ornamental chickens that are not known for their egg laying abilities. I'll be picking up the serious egg laying chicks in May.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Blizzard

Winter continues here on the Hemingway Land Project. Last week we endured a strong blizzard that created three foot drifts across our driveway and the main road. We attempted to walk our neighbor home the morning after the storm, only to find that the drifts were so tall that we were literally forced to crawl on our hands and knees to the next farmstead.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Chelsea the Rescue Puppy

With the dreaded winter months ahead we decided to adopt a second dog from the local animal shelter. Chelsea is our newest family member, adopted the week of thanksgiving. While we were worried about adopting a border collie into our family, it turns out that Marty, our older husky lab mix, is still our hyper star, while Chelsea seems calm in comparison. Now as we sit in the house counting the weeks until spring, we have a nonstop doggie antics to entertain us.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Winter Wonderland

For someone who despises snow, I have to admit that this Christmas weather was enchanting. However, I think I'll be requesting our seed catalogues and turning my thoughts to the ever so distant spring.